GMW Campaign Toolkit

We make theme creation easy

No XML Coding

That's right, you no longer need to edit XML files in order to create your custom theme. Our point and click interface makes it easy to modify theme elements.

Community Version

The Community Version of the GMW Campaign Toolkit allows you make your own Fantasy Grounds theme, FREE for personal, non-commercial use.

Supported Rulesets

D&D 2e, 3.5e, 4e, 5e, Call of Cthulhu, CoreRPG, Cypher System, GURPS, MoreCore, Numenera, Pathfinder, Pathfinder 2, Starfinder, Savage Worlds, The Strange

Use Your Images

You will have to have made or collected the images you wish to use prior to theme creation. This program does not allow you to edit or modify images.

Publish Quickly

When your ready to generate your theme, simply click the Build Theme button. The GMW Campaign Toolkit will create all the neccessary files for your extension.

Share Your Theme

Themes created with the Community Version of the software can be shared with others provided there is no charge, and the theme is for personal, non-commercial use.

Change these elements

Chat Box

Replace the chat box with your own image. Our simple tutorials will help you understand how chat box images work and help you find the perfect image.

Combat Tracker

The combat tracker is one of the most looked at elements in Fantasy Grounds. The GMW Campaign Toolkit makes it easy to change the combat tracker background.

Sidebar Buttons

Add some personality to your sidebar buttons by creating your own. We'll help you assign your button images to the correct sidebar button.

Hotbar Buttons

You can even add your own hotbar images to your custom Fantasy Grounds theme. We have included sample images to get your started building your first theme.

Dice Tower

Make the dice tower something that your players want to throw their dice into. Both regular and mouse over dice tower images are supported.

Ruleset Specific Items

Depending on the ruleset you are creating the theme for, you can edit ruleset specific items like bennies in the Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition.

More Features

Campaign Names

The GMW Campaign Toolkit gives you the ability to display the name of your campaign in the header of the combat tracker.

Session Numbers

Easily keep track of what game session your on by adding session numbers to the combat tracker. Update the session number in the Fantasy Grounds options screen.

Theme Decals

Spice up your Fantasy Grounds desktop by including up to 15 decals with your GMW Campaign Toolkit Theme.

Bonus Features

Video Tutorials

We offer video tutorials on how to create your own theme with the GMW Campaign Toolkit. Start today and build your theme.

Multiple Themes

The GMW Campaign Toolkit allows you to save theme projects and even work on multiple themes at the same time.

Sample Files Included

To make it as easy as possible for you to design your own theme, we have included sample jpg images. Photoshop PSD files are also included for your use.